In order to accomplish the goals set forth, BCMG envisioned a state of the art facility to provide the highest caliber of electronic claims processing in a seamless, paperless integrated approach. It is on this basis that plans for the development of BCMG's centralized processing facility located in Rocky Hill, CT came about.

BCMG's processing center features an Applied Logic Research file server with a capacity of 27 gigabyte, dual processor, mirror capability with redundant backup power supply. Our system is backed up by a 35/70GB-tape drive. The system is efficient & state of the art hardware to fit the needs of BCMG's client base. Our workstations utilize Gateway 266 PC's. The system is very flexible in accommodating growth without straining hardware resources. The protection of BCMG and its client data are of the utmost priority. BCMG utilizes Internet access with state of the art communication protocols and 128-encryption technology.

BCMG is committed to the protection of client data integrity.

BCMG is committed to and intends on developing cost-effective programs that will enable the firm and its client base to achieve the goals of economic growth, quality products, total customer service and leadership. Our centralized claims processing center is capable of providing superior customer service, communication, and control of workflow & expenses. Clients & personnel logistically place our office in a high visibility metropolitan area with ease of access.

Our processing center is capable of handling:


  1. High volume claim reporting
  2. Centralized communications for high volume telephone activity from all entities: insureds, regulators, adjusters, carriers, brokers
  3. Bulk billing & file processing
  4. File storage
  5. Complaint handling
  6. Flex hours
  7. Supplemental activity
  8. Multiple catastrophe locations
The benefits of this type of process result in measurable results of:


  1. Direct reporting
  2. Open communication
  3. Maximize customer service to clients & insureds
  4. Efficient workflow
  5. Cost effective
BCMG is equipped to enable expansion associated with growth through implementation of established catastrophe claims handling practices.


A specific 877 toll free number has been established to provide all clients and insureds ease of communication in the event of a catastrophe. Our phone system is digital, state of the art technology that enables immediate notification of messaging even when the office is closed. The communication system, including fax, is available on a 24,7,365 basis.


The ability to receive & transmit file information electronically in today's world cannot be emphasized sufficiently. Development of a "paperless" assignment to closure process is critical not only in catastrophic events but also in the processing of regular daily work. The high cost of conducting business in today's economy demands that measures be taken to positively impact the bottom line.

Software such as Microsoft Office with Access (database) & Excel (spreadsheet) or Lotus SmartSuite with Approach (database) & Lotus 123 (spreadsheet) with Lotus Notes can be utilized for the development of record development, billing, ad hoc reporting, etc. Virus protection is offered through Norton Corporate Enterprise Anti Virus. The protection of data is critical to BCMG & the clients it services.

With MS Office Pro 97, Lotus SmartSuite, Hurricane Tracker and zip code mapping software, BCMG offers unparalleled capacity to handle and deliver the service demanded in today's world.


Management & Staffing

The centralized office is staffed with a "core" group of experienced commercial & personal line's personnel with strong property & catastrophe backgrounds.

In catastrophic events, it is common to utilize "storm troopers." The industry has learned post Andrew that everyone including FEMA is competing for the same available manpower resource. BCMG has developed strategic alliances to provide the resources necessary to honor its commitments to its client base. Our policy is simply stated; If we can't handle your volume, we cannot accept the work. The loss of a potential client's value and respect for our firm is incalculable. BCMG has firsthand knowledge of the results of promises made that were undeliverable.

Though we are developing our own manpower resources, all clients are assured that BCMG supervision will always be in charge to manage, supervise & direct the activities of staff. BCMG fully intends on developing & training its own staff of adjusters. BCMG will utilize only experienced personnel and adjusting resources whose backgrounds are commensurate with the requirements established by BCMG for handling its clients needs. Backgrounds, bonding capability, prior cat experience, computer literacy are some of the factors BCMG will utilize when selecting candidates for processing workflow.