BCMG's capacity to provide a full range of claim solution services from hands-on adjusting to third party administration, training, audit & quality controls make it a very different player in the industry. BCMG has the expertise to provide consulting services in the areas of file audits, workflow analysis, quality control/reinspection, training, desk adjusting, catastrophe response including flood, TPA Administration, and National Account work. BCMG is a full-bodied provider of claim management solutions and services for the corporate environment. Our background has always been corporate. We understand the complexities and requirements of the corporate environment. We believe that service, control of allocated expenses and severities are the three main issues any claim department must concern itself with. Please review the summaries listed for a brief review of our capacity. We encourage you to contact us to discuss any or all of the opportunity areas where we may be of assistance to you.


BCMG Services

Desk Adjusting

One of the latest trends in the industry is the use of Guaranteed Contractors. The evolution of this form of estimate writing came about in an effort to reduce allocated expenses. These programs work well where the carrier has the ability to police the activities of the program. Unless established controls are in place, the Guaranteed Contractor program can cost a carrier dearly, in severity & customer service. BCMG can offer the expected result using insurance professionals who understand and know what is expected. With BCMG's strategic resources we can provide insurance trained personnel and a guaranteed contractor network to ensure the highest quality product possible to our clients.


Why put your Customer Service at risk with unqualified, untrained or ill trained personnel and incur high unnecessary allocated expense?

BCMG's background in workflow processing includes the ability to "desk adjust" losses utilizing the telephone claim handling concepts employed by several major carriers. The "TCH" unit is capable of providing high volume, low cost adjustments for those claims that do not require a field adjustment. BCMG clients should not incur unnecessary allocated expenses. This has proven to be a very effective methodology for clients that have need for such allocated expense, severity controls & customer service in high volume situations. It is an extremely beneficial process by having all claims assigned through our centralized processing center. Only those claims that qualify for field adjustment, subject to the client's procedures, will be reassigned to field personnel.

BCMG's desk & preferred filed estimating adjusting capability is designed to provide all necessary reporting with service time matched against the best in the industry. BCMG will provide all clients with detailed reports such as: service times, average cost per claim (regular & catastrophic) average production, quality control percentages (reinspection) and provide the data in any type of graph format desired.


Workflow Analysis

BCMG resources have the experience to perform analysis of your claims workflow and assist you in developing cost effective changes to your processing and innovative customer service initiatives. We can perform time study analysis, graph the results and provide the onsite training to implement the recommended changes. Please contact us to discuss this opportunity area and rates.



BCMG's staff is highly experienced with supervisory backgrounds and possess heavy technical skills in the property adjustment areas. Their skills include former backgrounds in the contracting industry coupled with many years of on hands adjusting. Several have a solid automobile adjusting background and are ICAR Gold Certified.

BCMG can provide you with a detailed training program that will enhance the skill levels of your staff to your expectations. BCMG's background is extensive in the technical training and workflow of field adjusters including the use of computerized estimating systems. Please contact us to discuss your concerns in this opportunity area.


Quality Control/Reinspection

BCMG has an outstanding capability in the area of Quality Control and can design a program that fits your individual requirements. All of our technical staff is highly trained in this area. BCMG can provide extremely detailed reporting ranging from reinspection quality to development of a mentor program to get your staff up to expected efficiencies. We can provide detailed graphs of the quality results. This information can be very useful in determining individual merit performance awards, promotional opportunities; control of severities, guaranteed repair contractor programs, fraud. We invite you to contact us in regard to this extremely important opportunity area.